We are excited to launch a NEW Early Learning Center in Long Beach at the Ocean Beach School District Early Learning Center Building which is NOW OPEN. Our Long Beach Campus will be home to our programs from 30 months to 5 years. The Ilwaco Campus will serve children birth to 30 months (coming late 2024/early 2025).
To learn more about our programs, explore the options below. If you’d like to speak to someone about the best option for you child - please click here!
To get on the list for more information, and to be notified when early enrollment opens, please fill out the form below.
Long Beach Campus
ECEAP Programs
Qualified families are able to access quality early learning at no cost through ECEAP (pronounced E-Cap). Registration and enrollment for ECEAP at our center is done through ESD 112. To see if you qualify, and to enroll, click the button below.
ECEAP will run on a school calendar, with hours to be announced this spring. Bus Transportation is available on standard schools hours. Students that need before/after care may register for extended hours and may qualify for WCCC Subsidy for that care.
Inclusive Model Preschool
For students 30 months to 5 years who do not qualify for ECEAP, we offer an inclusionary preschool program. Preschool is open to all children and will run year round. Families who qualify for WCCC (Working Childcare Connections) can access this program at little to no cost.
Though “class time” runs on the normal school day hours (to be finalized in the spring), care is available for extended hours.
Childcare Options
We offer traditional childcare, and have spots for before and after care for kids 30 months to 5 years. This includes after school care for Transitional Kindergarteners, as space allows. This is the recommended option for our learners age 30-36 months.
In addition, we offer full-time care during the summer months to ensure our youngest learners are engaged in quality programming.
Our Philosophy
There is a childcare crisis in our country & our goal is to help make a positive impact in our community by providing options for families that work for you. This means expanded hours, wider age ranges, and as many options as possible for paying for care. This also means providing our childcare workers with a thriving wage, high quality benefits, and professional development so that they can provide the best care possible for your children. In order to do that, we must charge a rate that allows our program to sustain. All our programs will be eligible for WCCC (the state subsidy program), and we are committed to never turning away a family due to inability to pay.
We hope your children enter a space each day that is filled with joy, learning, and friendship. Utilizing an inclusive model, we ensure ALL kids have access to the highest quality early learning possible.
Early Learning Interest Form