When we decided to start Dylan Jude Harrell Community Center, I was very clear that the people who did the work were just as important as the work. I feel grateful each day to collaborate with such fun, creative, different, and impressive human beings. Our work is hard, but these people show up, day in and day out, with a smile on their face, a hug for the little one who greets them off the bus, passion for this community, and a willingness to say HECK YES when approached with a new idea. I get a little emotional thinking about how much this team has accomplished in the first few years - growing from a small team that wore many hats, to a bigger team that still wears lots of hats. When people thank me, I am sincere when I often deflect and say that it’s not me who they should thank, it’s this team - some days I truly just pay the bills!
When I think about the future of The Center, I think about the people leading the way, and those who will lead the way for generations to come. I hope that in two decades, you’re reading a message here from a leader in this organization who was a kid in our program these first few years. In the end, that’s what it’s all about - creating the next generation of local leaders who will continue to invest in our mission, just as this team does. We’re all grateful to do this work, to have this space, and to be trusted with these roles; none of which is possible without you. We can’t wait to get to know you and work with you to make this community even stronger than it is!
Claire Bruncke
Executive Director
Jennifer Muth
Senior Director of Programming
Kylie Cunnningham
Director of Youth Programs
Annie Vela
Director of People & Operations
Robyn Handley-Lane
Director of Teen Programs
Tasha Monohon
Interim Director of Early Learning
Ashley Weidner
Family Support Specialist
Ana Cutting
Assistant Teacher (Early Learning)
Madalynn Yates
Program Coordinator (After School & Youth Sports)
Eliza Bannister
Assistant Teacher (Early Learning)
Francisco Galvan
Program Coordinator (After School & Youth Sports)
Sheila Olsen
Lead Teacher (Early Learning)
Lara Simmons
Lead Teacher (Early Learning)
Amy Veland
Assistant Teacher (Early Learning)
Fundraising Committee: Leads our efforts in fundraising and annual campaign development
Building Committee: Leads the charge in constructing our permanent home
21st CCLC Advisory Board: Supports the development of our 21st CCLC Program. Interested? Email
Youth Sports Committee: Consisting of a chair and an “expert” for each sport we manage, this committee helps guide development, recruit coaches, and support youth sports growth in our community.
President: Casey Wood Harrell
Vice President: Tiffany Turner
Secretary: Lindy Swain
Treasurer: Mary Goelz
Jeff Harrell
Chris Jensen
Katie Cunningham
Patty Hensley
Nathan Needham