Be Brave

Be Brave

Join us for our Celebration of Bravery on May 17th at the Historic Chinook School. Tickets will be available soon.

We will honor our Kids of the Year, raise funds for scholarships and program expansion, and gather to celebrate the past year.

Tickets include dinner, one drink (alcoholic or non/alcoholic), and an evening of celebration & auction.

This is a 21+ event. Though we will accept you no matter what you wear, we love to take this opportunity to dress up and enjoy a night out!

Sponsorship Opportunities

Table Sponsor: $800 - includes a reserved table and tickets for 8 people
Silver Sponsor: $1500 - includes everything from Table Sponsor + program recognition, social media recognition
Gold Sponsor: $2500 - includes Silver Sponsor + announcement at the event, newspaper recognition, logo on website