Our Track Record:

2023 in Review

2023 was a year of growth, expansion, learning and so much FUN. We continue to be amazed by the community support, the need for programs like ours, and the joy our young people bring us.

Summer Camp 2023

During Summer Day Camp, we had 163 kids succeed at the three goals we give them on day 1: Make a New Friend, Learn Something New, and Have Fun. Over the course of 7 weeks, we provided programs for youth ages 5-14, made sure every kid made it to a State Park, and spent countless hours outside.

Summer 2024 registration is open now!

Ilwaco Youth Sports

A huge THANK YOU to the 86 coaches that volunteered to make Youth Sports happen over the course of the year. We cannot do this without the incredible volunteer coaches who give off their time and passion. These are parents, community members, and past Ilwaco Athletes who care deeply about getting kids active and learning how to be a part of a team!

New Construction

In January, our Site Plan was approved by the City of Ilwaco, and we are in the process of completing the remaining steps prior to submitting for building permits. We cannot wait for all that is in store in 2024, and for sharing a new space with you all soon!

A message from our Executive Director

I’m constantly in awe of the support of this community, and the dedication of the staff we have at Dylan Jude Harrell Community Center. This team shows up, even on the hard days, to ensure that we can serve youth and families in the programs they need most.

We could not do any of this work without the incredible support we get from people like you though! Multiple grants cover the majority of our expenses while keeping programs free or low cost (and never turning a family away due to inability to pay). These grants all have limitations, and we will always rely on the support of our community to fill in the gaps. Donations are tax deductible and can now be made reoccurring monthly on our site. A contribution of just $15 per month makes a difference in the lives of kids in our community.

I’m looking forward to all that is to come in 2024, and for more opportunity to connect with each of you.

In Gratitude,

Claire Bruncke, Executive Director

Our Preschool!

This might just look like a pile of boxes, but inside those boxes is an entire preschool classroom! Thanks to the Templin Foundation, we were able to outfit our preschool classroom with some of the best materials in the industry so that our earliest learners have the greatest chance at success. We’re so grateful for the local community support & have loved watching preschool become even more magical due to this contribution.

Our After School Programs

After School Programs continued to grow. We expanded to include a program for 6th-12th graders that we host at Hilltop Middle School. Through the 21st CCLC program we saw academic and social growth in so many of our students. We’re really proud of the growth our students made in math this past year - check it out!

In 2023, we served 261 unique kids in After School Program!

Family Resource Center

In 2023, we opened our Family Resource Center. To date, we have served over 50 families, and distributed over $100,000 in resources and support to those who need it most. We are looking forward to more FRC and prevention programs in 2024, including expanding our Parenting Education opportunities and new Teen Late Night programs!